Total merchandise trade

Map 1. Merchandise exports growth rate, 2022

Global trends and patterns

In 2022, the value of world merchandise exports increased by 11.4 per cent. It was the second year of solid growth after two consecutive years of decline during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global exports amounted to $24.9 trillion, $2.5 trillion higher than in the previous year. However, in the first half of 2023, the exports value decreased by 4.6 per cent, year over year. That year over year decline is nowcast to continue in the third and fourth quarters.

In 2022, almost all developed economies registered increasing exports, with the exceptions of Belarus (-42.7 per cent) and Ukraine (-34.8 per cent). Among developing economies, considerable decline was recorded in Tuvalu (-84.5 per cent), Saint Kitts and Nevis (-40.5 per cent), as well as in several other small island States. The North exported more merchandise than the South in 2022: developed economies contributed $13.7 trillion and developing economies $11.2 trillion to the world total.

Figure 1. World merchandise exports
(Trillions of United States dollars)

Note: The dotted line indicates UNCTAD nowcasts (as of November 2023). For the weekly update of the nowcast and its methodology, see -—
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Trade upswing in all regions

Figure 2. Merchandise trade annual growth rates, 2022

In 2022, merchandise exports and imports increased significantly, by more than 10 per cent in developed economies and by 12 per cent in developing economies in Asia and Oceania. African and American developing economies experienced the highest rise in exports (16.9 per cent).

In terms of imports, developing economies in the Americas registered the highest increase (21.4 per cent) with African developing economies in the second position (18.9 per cent). In developing Asia and Oceania, imports increased much less (10.2 per cent).

Trade imbalance between developing and developed economies rising

Developing economies registered a considerable increase in their trade surplus in 2022 for the second consecutive year. Their trade balance stood at $692 billion in 2021 and reached $864 billion in 2022. By contrast, developed economies have recorded a continuously rising merchandise trade deficit in recent years, reaching $1.6 trillion in 2022. The developed world’s imports increased more than their exports.

Figure 3. Merchandise trade balance
(Billions of United States dollars)

Note: Trade balances do not add up to zero at world level due to transport and insurance costs included in imports and cross-country differences in compilation methods.

Concepts and definitions

The figures on international merchandise trade in this chapter measure the value of goods which add or subtract from the stock of material resources of an economy by entering or leaving its territory -—
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. This definition is slightly different from the definition of trade in goods in the balance-of-payments framework (see Current account).

The value of exports is mostly recorded as the free-on-board (FOB) value, whereas the value of imports includes cost, insurance and freight (CIF).

The trade balance is calculated as the difference between the values of exports and imports.

Merchandise trade figures from 2014 to 2022, at total product level with partner world, are jointly produced by UNCTAD and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Summary tables

Table 1. Merchandise trade by group of economies
    Table 2. Merchandise trade of least developed countries, main exporters
      Table 3. Leading exporters and importers in developing economies, by group of economies, 2022
      Developing economies: Africa
          Developing economies: Americas
              Developing economies: Asia and Oceania


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                    Donec tincidunt vel mauris a dignissim. Curabitur sodales nunc id vestibulum tempor. Nunc tortor orci, sodales nec eros eget.
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                    Donec tincidunt vel mauris a dignissim. Curabitur sodales nunc id vestibulum tempor. Nunc tortor orci, sodales nec eros eget.