Trade in services by category

Map 1. Growth in services exports, 2017–2022
(Average annual growth rate*, percentage)
Note: Europe includes the Russian Federation and the French overseas departments.
* Least squares growth rate (see Calculation methods page).

Regional trends over the last five years

International trade in services was more severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic than merchandise trade. Among services, travel and transport were most affected. Owing to a renewed demand for goods, transport recovered well in 2021. By contrast, international travel, particularly long-distance, only saw significant recovery in 2022. At $1 116 billion recorded for 2022 however, travel exports remained 25 per cent below their 2019 record value. Besides travel, construction was the only main service category not surpassing its 2019 exports value in 2022.

Over the period 2017-2022, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean recorded positive 5-year average growth for main service items other than travel, with the highest increase in telecommunications, computer, and information services. In Northern America and Oceania – in addition to travel – transport services also exhibited negative average annual growth rates over this time period.

Figure 1. Annual growth rate of services exports, 2022

Global trends by service category in 2022

Figure 2. Structure of services exports, 2022

Among main service categories, travel exports recorded the highest annual growth in 2022 (75 per cent). They were followed by exports of transport services, which expanded by 24 per cent. Most other principal categories exhibited increases of less than 10 per cent, while financial services exports declined by 3 per cent.

Transport and travel remained significant in services trade of developing economies of Africa and the Americas. They represented close to 60 per cent of all services exported. In developed economies, travel and transport accounted for about a third of total services sold abroad.

Digitally deliverable services

In 2021, amid the COVID-19 lockdown that disrupted many traditional trade flows, world digitally deliverable services exports increased by a notable 16 per cent. The expansion continued in 2022 at the more moderate rate of 3 per cent. More than three quarters of digitally deliverable services exports originated from developed economies (some $2 996 billion). Developing world exports were estimated at $946 billion.

In 2022, the growth in exports of digitally deliverable services from developing economies was assessed at 12.6 per cent. The growth was prominent across all developing regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, and Oceania. At the same time, developed economies recorded a relatively modest 0.6 per cent increase. In 2022, the share of digitally deliverable services in total services exports of developed economies was 60 per cent, while for the developing world it stood at 45 per cent.

Figure 3. Export trends of digitally deliverable services and other types of services, 2015–2022
(Billions of United States dollars)
Note: Digitally deliverable services figures are UNCTAD estimates.

Digitally deliverable services include insurance, pension, financial, intellectual property usage, telecommunications, computer, information, research-and-development, professional-and-management, architectural, engineering, scientific, trade-related, other business, audiovisual, health, education, heritage, and recreational services.

Concepts and definitions

The breakdown by service category in this section has been built from the division of services in the balance of payments statistics, known as the 2010 Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS 2010) -—
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. For the correspondence to the EBOPS 2010 categories and to the main groups presented in UNCTADstat, see Classifications page.

Digitally deliverable services comprise services that can be delivered remotely over computer networks. The value of trade in digitally deliverable services therefore provides the upper threshold for the value of digitally delivered trade.

The presented trade-in-services figures are jointly compiled by UNCTAD and WTO, except for the digitally deliverable services, which are estimated by UNCTAD on the basis of the joint UNCTAD-WTO services trade data set.

Summary tables

Table 1. Trade in services by service category and group of economies
Note: Exports do not equal imports at world level, due to imperfect geographical coverage and cross-country differences in compilation methods.

    Developed economies
      Developing economies
        Developing economies: Africa
          Developing economies: Americas
            Developing economies: Asia and Oceania
              Table 2. Exports of selected services, by region, 2022
              (Millions of United States dollars)


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